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Student Participants

Baris Aydintug
Baris Aydintug 

University of Colorado, Denver

Mentor: Angela Wilson

Perfluorinated Alkyl Substance (PFAS) Bioaccumulation in Great Lakes Benthic Species: A Molecular Level Study


Emily Bolger
Emily Bolger 

Moravian College

Mentor: Shin-Han Shiu

Genomic Prediction of Traits Using Convolutional Neural Networks


Carson Bronnenberg
Carson Bronnenberg 

University of West Florida

Mentors: Lik-Chuan Lee, Tong Gao

Quantification of biventricular myocardial strain from magnetic resonance images of pediatric pulmonary hypertensive patients using hyperelastic warping method


Victoria Cao
Victoria Cao 

Michigan State University

Mentor: Andrew Keen

Optimizing Bioinformatics Workflow and Organizing Big Data with iRODS


Victoria Cao was supported by the MI-OSIRIS project

Aurora Cossairt
Aurora Cossairt 

The College of Idaho

Mentors: Philipp Grete, Brian O'Shea

Understanding Energy Transfer in Plasma Turbulence


William Dixon
William Dixon 

Michigan State University

Mentor: Andrew Keen

Optimizing Bioinformatics Workflow and Organizing Big Data with iRODs


William Dixon was supported by the MI-OSIRIS project

Daria Garkavtseva
Daria Garkavtseva 

University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Comparing Machine Learning Methods for Hyperspectral Image and Text Classification

Mentor: Ekaterina Rapinchuk


Gregory Holste
Gregory Holste 

Kenyon College

Automatic Segmentation of Pediatric Chest Radiographs with Deep Learning

Mentor: Adam Alessio


Tyler Jackson
Tyler Jackson 

Utah State University

Mentor: Min Chen

Seismic Monitoring of the Temporal Changes of the Red Cedar River


Ketan Jog
Ketan Jog 

Columbia University

Mentor: Shin-han Shiu

Prediction of gene expression under environmental stress in Orzya sativa


Sebastian Lacayo
Sebastian Lacayo 

Florida International University

Mentor: Brian O'Shea

Energy partition of active galactic nuclei interaction with the intra-cluster medium


Carleen Markey
Carleen Markey 

Purdue University

Mentor: Brian O'Shea

GAMMA-EM: Emulating Galactic Chemical Evolution Models to Explore the Galactic Origins of the Elements


Quintin Medina
Quintin Medina 

University of Utah

Mentors: Angela Wilson, Timothe Melin

Investigating Patterns Between Chemical Properties and Degradation of Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Molecules (PFAS)


Calarina Muslimani
Calarina Muslimani 

University of Maryland

Mentor: Ekaterina Rapinchuk

Comparing Supervised Learning Algorithms for Image Classification


Jeremy Mysliwiec
Jeremy Mysliwiec 

The Pennsylvania State University

Mentor: Jason Bazil

Predicting the Effect of Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury on Cardiomyocytes


Ryan Sullivan
Ryan Sullivan 

Purdue University

Mentor: Adam Alessio

Deep Learning Methods for Automatic Evaluation of Lines in Chest Radiographs


Rebecca Tomann
Rebecca Tomann 

Technical University of Berlin

Mentors: Angela Wilson, Prajay Patel

Applicability of various coupled cluster and perturbation theory methods in the correlation consistent Composite Approach


Rebecca Tomann was supported by DAAD RISE Worldwide

Brian Zhu
Brian Zhu 

Yale University

Mentor: Min Chen

Unsupervised clustering and cluster analysis of earthquakes in Southern California
