Student Participants

University of Colorado, Denver
Mentor: Angela Wilson
Perfluorinated Alkyl Substance (PFAS) Bioaccumulation in Great Lakes Benthic Species: A Molecular Level Study

Moravian College
Mentor: Shin-Han Shiu
Genomic Prediction of Traits Using Convolutional Neural Networks

University of West Florida
Mentors: Lik-Chuan Lee, Tong Gao
Quantification of biventricular myocardial strain from magnetic resonance images of pediatric pulmonary hypertensive patients using hyperelastic warping method

Michigan State University
Mentor: Andrew Keen
Optimizing Bioinformatics Workflow and Organizing Big Data with iRODS
Victoria Cao was supported by the MI-OSIRIS project
The College of Idaho
Mentors: Philipp Grete, Brian O'Shea
Understanding Energy Transfer in Plasma Turbulence
Michigan State University
Mentor: Andrew Keen
Optimizing Bioinformatics Workflow and Organizing Big Data with iRODs
William Dixon was supported by the MI-OSIRIS project
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Comparing Machine Learning Methods for Hyperspectral Image and Text Classification
Mentor: Ekaterina Rapinchuk

Kenyon College
Automatic Segmentation of Pediatric Chest Radiographs with Deep Learning
Mentor: Adam Alessio
Utah State University
Mentor: Min Chen
Seismic Monitoring of the Temporal Changes of the Red Cedar River
Columbia University
Mentor: Shin-han Shiu
Prediction of gene expression under environmental stress in Orzya sativa

Florida International University
Mentor: Brian O'Shea
Energy partition of active galactic nuclei interaction with the intra-cluster medium
Purdue University
Mentor: Brian O'Shea
GAMMA-EM: Emulating Galactic Chemical Evolution Models to Explore the Galactic Origins of the Elements
University of Utah
Mentors: Angela Wilson, Timothe Melin
Investigating Patterns Between Chemical Properties and Degradation of Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Molecules (PFAS)
University of Maryland
Mentor: Ekaterina Rapinchuk
Comparing Supervised Learning Algorithms for Image Classification

The Pennsylvania State University
Mentor: Jason Bazil
Predicting the Effect of Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury on Cardiomyocytes
Purdue University
Mentor: Adam Alessio
Deep Learning Methods for Automatic Evaluation of Lines in Chest Radiographs
Technical University of Berlin
Mentors: Angela Wilson, Prajay Patel
Applicability of various coupled cluster and perturbation theory methods in the correlation consistent Composite Approach
Rebecca Tomann was supported by DAAD RISE Worldwide
Yale University
Mentor: Min Chen
Unsupervised clustering and cluster analysis of earthquakes in Southern California